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Дар Амрико ба шеваи нави табобати гирифторони COVID-19 иҷозат доданд

Доналд Трамп, раиси ҷумҳури Амрико

Ба пизишкони Амрико иҷозат шуд, ки гирифторони вируси коронаро бо плазмаҳои масунияти сиҳатёфтагони коронавирус муолиҷа кунанд.
Дар бораи дарёфти иҷозат президент Доналд Трамп дар як нишасти хабарӣ дар Кохи Сафед хабар дод.
Трамп дар остонаи баргузории Анҷумани миллии ҷумҳурихоҳон ин хабарро расонаӣ кард. Қарор аст, дар анҷуман номзадии Трамп расман ба мақоми президентӣ пешбарӣ шавад.
Президенти Амрико ин шеваи табобатро пешравӣ унвон кард. Коронавирус то ин замон 175 ҳазор сокини Амрикоро қурбон карда ва Трамп бештар барои ин танқид мешунавад.
"Ман хушҳолам, ки дар мубориза ба зидди "вируси чинӣ" изҳороти таърихие паҳн кунам. Ин пешравӣ ҷони шумори зиёде аз одамонро наҷот хоҳад дод. Чорабинии имрӯза дастрасӣ ба ин навъи табобатро густариш медиҳад", - иқтибос овардаанд расонаҳо аз қавли Трамп.
Раёсати назорати беҳдоштии сифати маҳсулоти ғизоӣ ва дору дар ИМА гуфт, "бартарии ин навъи табобат" ҳамзамон "хатарҳоеро ба дунбол дорад".
Ба иттилои мақомоти он кишвар, дар ИМА бештар аз 70 ҳазор бемор табобати плазма гирифтаанд.

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  • Alice | Гости

    Known as the home of Yue opera, one of the most prominent forms of Chinese opera, there are many other things to do in Zhejiang. Zhejiang is an eastern coastal province of the People's Republic of China. Its capital and largest city is Hangzhou, and other notable cities include Ningbo and Wenzhou. Zhejiang is bordered by Jiangsu and Shanghai to the north, Anhui to the northwest, Jiangxi to the west and Fujian to the south. To the east is the East China Sea, beyond which lies the Ryukyu Islands. The population of Zhejiang stands at 64.6 million, the 8th highest among China. It has been called "the backbone of China" because it is a major driving force in the Chinese economy and being the birthplace of several notable people, including the Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and entrepreneur Jack Ma. Zhejiang consists of 90 counties. The area of Zhejiang was controlled by the Kingdom of Yue during the Spring and Autumn period. The Qin Empire later annexed it in 222 BC. Under the late Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty that followed it, Zhejiang's ports became important centers of international trade. It was occupied by the Empire of Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese war and placed under the control of the Japanese puppet state known as the Reorganized National Government of China. After Japan's defeat, Zhejiang's economy became stagnant under Mao Zedong's policies. Nevertheless, after China's economic reform, Zhejiang has grown to be considered one of China's wealthiest provinces, ranking fourth in GDP nationally and sixth by GDP per capita, with a nominal GDP of US$1.14 trillion as of 2022. Zhejiang consists mostly of hills, which account for about 70% of its total area, with higher altitudes towards the south and the west. Zhejiang also has a longer coastline than any other mainland province of China. The Qiantang River runs through the province, from which it derives its name. Included in the province are three thousand islands, the most in China. The capital Hangzhou marks the end of the Grand Canal and lies on Hangzhou Bay on the north of Zhejiang, which separates Shanghai and Ningbo. The bay contains many small islands collectively called the Zhoushan Islands. Hangzhou is a historically important city of China and is considered a World City with a "Beta+" classification according to GaWC. It includes the notable West Lake. Various varieties of Chinese are spoken in Zhejiang, the most prominent being Wu Chinese. Zhejiang is also one of China's leading provinces in research and education. As of 2022, two major cities in Zhejiang ranked in the world's top 200 cities (Hangzhou 19th and Ningbo 170th) by scientific research output, as tracked by Nature Index.

  • Ахборотҳоро ба суроғаи электронии мо - tamos@orien.info ирсол намоед.


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